Saturday, August 21, 2021

Do Your Windows Need Service?


Do Your Windows Need Service?

Do Your Windows Need Service?

Windows are one of the most important features of your house. They let in light, let in fresh air, and can have a significant impact on the overall look of your rooms. With that said, windows do require a bit of maintenance from time to time. Most of the time, it will be simple things like cleaning the windows and checking window screens for damage to make sure that your windows are still operating in tip-top shape. Occasionally, though, you may find that your windows require a bit more service to keep them from showing wear and other damage over time.

If you aren’t sure what sort of service and maintenance your windows might need, don’t worry. A lot of homeowners are somewhat in the dark about proper window maintenance, and the amount of service your windows need depends on a lot of factors including their age and the climate where you live. To help ensure that your windows get the attention that they deserve, here is some info on proper window maintenance and how to tell if your windows need additional service.

Window Service

There are a number of types of service and other maintenance that your windows may require from time to time. Some of these are simple, such as periodic cleaning on both the inside and the outside of the window. Some maintenance operations are a bit more complicated, however.

When checking your windows to see if they need service, there are several things that you should check for. Open the windows to make sure that they’re operating correctly, taking note of any difficulties that you have or if they seem to stick at any point when opening or closing them. Inspect the windows for any signs of visible damage, both to the panes and to other components such as the frame, muntin sections, or the sill. Look for signs of water getting trapped in between panes in double-paned windows, and also feel around for drafts or signs of leaks. You should also pick a quiet time to listen for a few minutes near the windows to see if more noise than usual seems to be getting through. Any of these issues will require correction, and the sooner you identify them then the easier that service will be.

When to Service Your Windows

Unless something obvious like a rock striking a windowpane happens and causes physical damage to one of your windows, it can be a bit difficult to tell when your windows actually need service. Since you don’t have time to constantly check over your windows, it’s a good idea to check them at least a couple of times per year. You can usually make the most out of these maintenance checks by doing one early in the spring when temperatures are starting to rise after winter, and again in late summer or early fall as temps start to drop again. This will alert you to potential problems caused by the intensity of winter cold or summer heat and preps you for seasons with a lot of rain, drafts, and other issues.

With that said, it doesn’t hurt to give your windows the occasional once-over as well. Clean them or at least wipe them down once a month, checking for any obvious signs of problems as you do. You should also do a more thorough inspection if you notice drafts, louder noises, or signs of leaks near the windows. You don’t have to go in-depth with your windows during these periodic checks unless there’s some sign of trouble, but even just a glance every now and then can do wonders for early detection of problems.

Friday, August 20, 2021

The Community and Economic Impacts of a Home Sale

The Community and Economic Impacts of a Home Sale

The Community and Economic Impacts of a Home Sale

If you're thinking of buying or selling a house, chances are you're focusing on the many extraordinary ways it'll change your life. What you may not realize is that decision impacts peoples lives far beyond your own. Home purchases and sales are significant drivers of economic activity. They have a major impact on your community and the entire U.S. economy via the multiple industries and professionals that take part in the process.

The National Association of Realtors (NAR) releases a report each year that highlights just how much economic activity a home sale generates. The chart below shows how the sale of both a newly built home and an existing home impact the economy:TheTo dive a level deeper, NAR also provides a detailed look at how that varies state-by-state for newly-built homes (see map below):TheAs you can see, a single home sale can have a massive effect on the overall economy. Ali Wolf, Chief Economist for Zonda, talks about this in a recent article, noting there's a significant impact at each distinct phase of the transaction:

The housing market contributes to the economy in four main stages: during planning and land development, throughout the actual construction of the home, at the point of sale, and upon moving in.

When you buy or sell a home, you're leaving a lasting impression on the community at large in addition to fulfilling your own needs. That's because each stage of the process involves numerous contractors, specialists, lawyers, town and city officials, and so many other professionals. Every individual you work with, from your trusted real estate advisor to the architects who design new homes, has their own team of professionals involved behind the scenes.

Bottom Line

Homebuyers and sellers are economic drivers in their community and beyond. If you're thinking of buying or selling, lets connect today to start the process. It wont just change your life; it'll make a powerful impact on our entire community.


Thursday, August 19, 2021

Looking for a Place To Call Home? Consider a Condominium.

Looking for a Place To Call Home? Consider a Condominium.

Looking for a Place To Call Home? Consider a Condominium.

Its no secret that one of the top stories in todays real estate market is low housing supply and high buyer demand. If you're a first-time buyer looking for a starter home or are someone whos interested in downsizing, it may be worth considering a condominium (condo) as a worthwhile option.

In fact, trends indicate condos are gaining popularity among buyers. In the latest Existing Homes Sales Report from the National Association of Realtors (NAR), the data shows condo sales rising throughout the first half of this year (see graph below):LookingThere are a few reasons more and more people are opting to buy condos the benefits of condo life can be quite compelling. Lets explore the main perks to find out if a condo is a good fit for you.


According to the NAR report, the median sales price of a condo is roughly 59,000 less than the median price of a single-family detached home (see graph below). This makes condos a great option for first-time homebuyers, those with limited down payment savings, or those looking to save money by downsizing.Looking


A recent article from BankRate adds low maintenance as another perk of a condo lifestyle. Generally, exterior maintenance for condos is handled by a Homeowners Association (HOA). This can include things like landscaping and upholding a certain standard of cleanliness and condition for walkways, siding, and roofs. If you're looking for a lower-maintenance option or see the appeal in being hands-off with upkeep, condos may be a good choice for you. With exterior maintenance off your plate, you'll have more time for yourself and your hobbies.


You can use that free time to enjoy some of the value-adding features your condo community may have, which could include dog parks, pools, a rentable clubhouse and grilling area for events, and more. If being able to host or attend community social outings is important to you, condos may give you more opportunities to enjoy the company of your neighbors. As a bonus, some condos even have gyms and on-site security teams.

Ultimately, the choice is yours. Condos are great options that often come with various features and benefits that may be important for your lifestyle. Fannie Mae sums up the appeal nicely:

Condominiums, or condos, can be great alternatives to detached homes. City dwellers, singles, couples, seniors, and many others may find condos that suit their needs and budgets. Others may simply prefer low-maintenance living. Buyers who feel priced out of homes may discover condos offer an affordable homeownership alternative.

Bottom Line

If you're looking for a home, it may be time to consider a condo as an option. Lets connect to explore if one would be a good fit for your homeownership needs.


Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Are Houses Less Affordable Than They Were in Past Decades?

Are Houses Less Affordable Than They Were in Past Decades?

Are Houses Less Affordable Than They Were in Past Decades?

There are many headlines about how housing affordability is declining. The headlines are correct: its less affordable to purchase a home today than it was a year ago. However, its important to give this trend context. Is it less expensive to buy a house today than it was in 2005? What about 1995? What happens if we go all the way back to 1985? Or even 1975?

Obviously, the price of a home has appreciated dramatically over the last 45 years. So have the prices of milk, bread, and just about every other consumable. Prices rise over time we know it as inflation.

However, when we look at housing, price is just one component that makes up the monthly cost of the home. Another key factor is the mortgage rate at the time of purchase.

Lets look back at the cost of a home over the last five decades and adjust it for inflation by converting that cost to 2021 dollars. Here's the methodology for each data point of the table below:

  • Mortgage Amount: Take the median sales price at the end of the second quarter of each year as reported by the Fed and assume that the buyer made a 10% down payment.
  • Mortgage Rate: Look at the monthly 30-year fixed rate for June of that year as reported by Freddie Mac.
  • P&I: Use a mortgage calculator to determine the monthly principal and interest on the loan.
  • In 2021 Dollars: Use an inflation calculator to determine what each payment would be when adjusted for inflation. Green means the homes were less expensive than today. Red means they were more expensive.

AreAs the chart shows, when adjusted for inflation, there were only two times in the last 45 years that it was less expensive to own a home than it is today.

  1. Last year: Prices saw strong appreciation over the last year and mortgage rates have remained relatively flat. Therefore, affordability weakened.
  2. 2010: Home values plummeted after the housing crash 15 years ago. One-third of all sales were distressed properties (foreclosures or short sales). They sold at major discounts and negatively impacted the value of surrounding homes of course homes were more affordable then.

At every other point, even in 1975, it was more expensive to buy a home than it is today.

Bottom Line

If you want to buy a home, don't let the headlines about affordability discourage you. You cant get the deal your friend got last year, but you will get a better deal than your parents did 20 years ago and your grandparents did 40 years ago.


Tuesday, August 17, 2021

The Best Use of Time (and Money) When It Comes to Renovations

The Best Use of Time (and Money) When It Comes to Renovations

The Best Use of Time (and Money) When It Comes to Renovations

In the current sellers market, many homeowners wonder what, if anything, needs to be remodeled before they list their house. That's where a trusted real estate professional comes in. They can help you think through todays market conditions and how they impact what you should and shouldn't renovate before selling.

Here are some considerations a professional will guide you through:

1. With current supply challenges, buyers may be willing to take on projects of their own.

A more balanced market typically sees a 6-month supply of homes for sale. Above that, and were in a buyers market. Below that, and were in a sellers market. According to a recent report by the National Association of Realtors (NAR), our current supply of homes for sale, while rising, still remains solidly in sellers market territory:

Unsold inventory sits at a 2.6-month supply at the current sales pace, modestly up from May’s 2.5-month supply but down from 3.9 months in June 2020.

So, what's that mean for you? If you're a seller trying to decide whether or not to renovate, this is especially important because its indicative of buyer behavior. When there aren't enough homes for sale, buyers may be more willing to purchase a home that doesn't meet all their needs and renovate it themselves later.

2. Not all renovation projects are equal.

You don't want to spend time and money on a project that isn't worth the cost or is too niche design-wise for some homebuyers. According to an article by, basing home updates on what's trendy right now can be a costly mistake:

The last thing you as a homeowner want to do is center your home design around a passing fad – even worse, one that's design quality wont last a good while.

Before making any decisions, talk to your real estate advisor. They have insight into what other sellers are doing before listing their homes and how buyers are reacting to those upgrades. Don't spend the time and money to be trendy if your buyer wants to upgrade to the newest fad later, they can.

3. If you've already made upgrades this past year, your agent can help spotlight them.

If you have already completed some renovations on your house, you're not alone. The pandemic kept people at home last year, and during that time, many homeowners completed some home improvement projects. HomeAdvisors 2021 State of Home Spending Report found:

35% of households that completed an improvement project undertook some type of interior painting, while 31% completed a bathroom remodel and 26% installed new flooring.

Let your real estate professional know if you fall in this category. They can highlight any recent upgrades you've made in your houses listing.

Bottom Line

When it comes to renovations, your return-on-investment should be top of mind. Lets connect today to talk through any upgrades you've already made and to find out what you should prioritize before you sell to maximize your houses potential.


Monday, August 16, 2021

Sellers Are in a Sweet Spot

Sellers Are in a Sweet Spot

Sellers Are in a Sweet Spot


Some Highlights

  • In todays sellers market, you're set up to win big when you list your house.
  • That's because homes are selling fast, receiving 4.4 offers on average and often selling above the asking price. Then, when you buy your next home, you'll also win by addressing your changing needs and taking advantage of near historic-low mortgage rates.
  • If you're ready to make a move, lets connect so you can capitalize on todays market and find your next dream home.

Friday, August 13, 2021

Key Questions To Ask Yourself Before Buying a Home

Key Questions To Ask Yourself Before Buying a Home

Key Questions To Ask Yourself Before Buying a Home

Sometimes it can feel like everyone has advice when it comes to buying a home. While your friends and loved ones may have your best interests in mind, they may also be missing crucial information about todays housing market that you need to make your best decision.

Before you decide whether you're ready to buy a home, you should know how to answer these three questions.

1. What's Going on with Home Prices?

Home prices are one factor that directly impacts how much it will cost to buy a home and how much you stand to gain as a homeowner when prices appreciate.

The graph below shows just how much experts are forecasting prices to rise this year:KeyContinued price appreciation is great news for existing homeowners but can pose a significant challenge if you wait to buyUsing these forecasts, you can determine just how much waiting could cost you. If prices increase based on the average of all forecasts (12.46%), a median-priced home that cost 350,000 in January of 2021 will cost an additional 43,610 by the end of the year. What does this mean for you? Put simply, with home prices increasing, the longer you wait, the more it could cost you.

2. Are Todays Low Mortgage Rates Going To Last?

Another significant factor that should inform your decision is mortgage interest rates. Todays average rates remain close to record-lows. Much like prices, though, experts forecast rates will rise over the coming months, as the chart below shows:KeyYour monthly mortgage payment can be significantly impacted by even the slightest increase in mortgage rates, which makes the overall cost of the home greater over time when you wait.

3. Why Is Homeownership Important to You?

The final question is a personal one. Before deciding, you'll need to understand your motivation to buy a home and why homeownership is an important goal for you. The financial benefits of owning a home are often easier to account for than the many emotional ones.

The 2021 National Homeownership Market Survey shows that six of the nine reasons Americans value homeownership are because of how it impacts them on a personal, aspirational level. The survey says homeownership provides:

  • Stability
  • Safety
  • A Sense of Accomplishment
  • A Life Milestone
  • A Stake in the Community
  • Personal Pride

The National Housing & Financial Capability Survey from NeighborWorks America also highlights the emotional benefits of homeownership:KeyClearly, there's a value to homeownership beyond the many great financial opportunities it provides. It gives homeowners a sense of pride, safety, security, and accomplishment which impacts their lives and how they feel daily.

Bottom Line

Homeownership is life-changing, and buying a home can positively impact you in so many ways. With any decision this big, it helps to have a trusted advisor by your side each step of the way. If you're ready to begin your journey toward homeownership, lets connect to discuss your options and begin your journey.