Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Patio Heaters Warm Up the Winter


Patio Heaters Warm Up the Winter

Patio Heaters Warm Up the Winter

Having a patio gives you a great place to hang out and enjoy the outdoors while you’re at home. Unfortunately, dropping temperatures often makes your patio all but uninhabitable once the fall and winter months come around. Cooler weather doesn’t have to be the end of your time enjoying your patio, however; there are many options available that can extend your time on the patio, including patio heaters.

There are several things that set patio heaters apart from other outdoor heating options like fire pits. Because they’re designed to spread heat out over a larger area, a patio heater might be the ideal solution to keep your patio area usable well into the winter. If you think that one of these heaters might be the perfect addition to your outdoor space, here are a few things to consider to help make sure that you pick the perfect heater.

How Patio Heaters Work

Patio heaters are designed to radiate heat outward, spreading heat over a larger area than you’d cover with a fire pit or other heat source that doesn’t have a cap or other barrier preventing heat from escaping upward. The amount of heat coverage provided by these heaters differs based on the type of heater, its size, and where it’s located on your patio. Some patio heaters include chimneys or other exhaust pipes to vent potentially harmful gases generated as their fuel burns, preventing those gases from being diverted outward by the same caps that redirect the heat.

Depending on your needs, you can find small patio heaters that can sit on top of a table or other surface, as well as larger free-standing units that sit on the patio floor itself. Most heaters include controls similar to what you see on indoor heaters, allowing you to change the amount of heat produced. This lets you adjust your heater for use when you just need to knock off a little chill or when you need to produce more heat on colder nights.

Patio Heater Types

Though there are several different types of patio heaters; the most common varieties are electric, propane, natural gas, and wood-burning heaters. Here is a little information on each type:

  • Electric heaters are similar to some of the space heaters you might have used indoors, offering benefits such as portability and heat production without creating fuel exhaust. Unfortunately, these heaters are not as energy efficient as other types, and often do not produce as much heat.
  • Propane heaters connect to a propane tank like you would use with a propane grill. They produce more heat than many electric heaters and are still relatively portable, though they should not be used in covered or enclosed areas.
  • Natural gas heaters are the most energy-efficient and convenient patio heaters, connecting to your home’s existing natural gas line so that you don’t have to swap out tanks or perform other maintenance. These heaters are not portable at all, however, and need to be professionally installed to ensure that there are no gas leaks.
  • Wood-burning heaters are the cheapest patio heaters to operate, but they also require more cleaning and maintenance. They also require more work to light and put out and can be fire hazards if left unattended.

Choosing a Patio Heater

Picking the right heater for your patio area depends a lot on how your patio is laid out and whether portability and maintenance are major concerns for you. Electric and propane heaters are best for those who want to be able to move their heater around easily, and wood-burning heaters are a good option for those who want a heater that operates cheaply and don’t mind emptying out ash and coals to keep the heater clean.

Natural gas heaters are the best options for homes where there’s already a gas line installed, and you don’t mind having a permanent heating option in place. 

Sunday, December 5, 2021

Tips for Choosing Replacement Windows


Tips for Choosing Replacement Windows

Tips for Choosing Replacement Windows

Your home’s windows fill a number of important roles. They let natural light into the house, allow you to see what’s going on outside, and serve as a barrier against inclement weather. Unfortunately, your windows aren’t immune to the ravages of time, weather, and various other hazards that can damage or weaken them. You may find yourself in a position where you have to replace one or more windows in your home, especially if you’re hoping to prevent drafts and leaks heading into the winter.

Not all replacement windows are created equal, however. Depending on your situation and the condition of your existing windows, there may be a few different options to sort through when choosing replacements. While a lot of this will depend on your specific circumstances and your own personal preferences, here are a few tips to keep in mind to make choosing replacement windows that much easier.

Sorting Through Window Options

There are a lot of considerations when it comes to choosing replacement windows. Some of these are obvious, including things like frame color, glass tint, and how the windows open. Others might not be quite as obvious, such as insulation values and UV filtering. Price isn’t necessarily an indicator of quality, either; you may find cheaper windows that are a better fit for your needs than more expensive models.

Take the time to figure out what you need from a window before you actually start shopping. If you live in an area where the winters are cold and you’re trying to prevent drafts, the insulating power of your new windows will obviously be a priority. If you’re replacing eastern-facing windows and worry about too much light coming through early in the morning, tinting or other filtering will be a concern. Having windows that are easy to open for cleaning may be a major concern, or if you’re security conscious, you may want windows with advanced security or smart sensors built in. Figure out what’s most important to you before you start shopping so that you can choose windows based on your criteria instead of developing criteria based on the windows you see.

Interior vs. Exterior Installation

In addition to the windows themselves, the type of installation you use can make a difference not only on your overall cost but also on how easily your windows are installed overall. Your options will include exterior installation, where the frames and other support material are replaced along with the window itself, and interior installation, where just the window is installed into an existing frame. When it comes to choosing an installation type, a large part of the decision rests on the condition of your existing windows and frames.

Exterior installations are bigger jobs and require more work to get the window installed, but they’re ideal if there is damage or warping present in the existing frame as they ensure that there aren’t going to be any leaks or drafts after your window is installed. They’re also essential if you’re changing the size of your window and the new window won’t fit easily into your existing frame. Interior installations are easier as there aren’t any changes made to the frame but are only possible if the frame is undamaged and the new window matches the dimensions of the old one.

Replacement Installation

Regardless of the replacement windows you choose, you’re going to want to have them installed by someone you can trust. While some homeowners may be in a position to install their own replacement windows, for the vast majority this will mean hiring a contractor or other professional to get the job done. Fortunately for you, HomeKeepr is here to help.