Showing posts with label Seller Advice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Seller Advice. Show all posts

Sunday, May 28, 2023

Why it is Important to Drain Your Water Heater


Why it is Important to Drain Your Water Heater

Why it is Important to Drain Your Water Heater

We are so used to getting hot water in our home without a thought, until something goes wrong with our water heater, or it stops working. A cold shower or a leak can take us by surprise and are signs that the water heater is not working properly. This can happen when we neglect to periodically drain it. A water heater needs to be drained and flushed as part of its maintenance routine. Why is this so important? Over time sediment from minerals and other deposits in the water build up in the bottom of the tank, called scaling, and can lead to a clog in the valves which can cause leaks and corrosion. This can result in poor heating efficiency and costly repairs. Drainage helps flush out the sediment that can cause malfunction and makes it easier to heat the water when blockage is freed. With regular maintenance the heater will perform better, saving you money over time.

Signs that your water heater needs to be drained or needs repair—No hot water or limited supply, low water pressure, discolor and odors, unusual noises, leaks, and high utility bills. Strange smells can be due to bacteria build-up while unusual noises can be caused by loose sediment that scrapes against the metal as the water enters and leaves.

Drainage frequency—How often should you drain and flush your water heater? Water heater manufacturers and certified plumbers recommend draining and flushing on average approximately once per year. However, increased frequency is recommended when the following factors come into play: the tank is over 15 years old; the local water supply is hard or heavy with minerals; or the filtering process in your community is faulty. For situations like these, you should increase your maintenance regiment to 2 or 3 times per year. After draining the first time, you will have a better idea of how often to drain your water heater depending on the conditions and how much sediment has accumulated. You may find that once per year is sufficient enough, especially if your tank has a hydro-jet to reduce sediment. Electric and tankless water heaters, although more efficient and last longer, also need the same maintenance care. If uncertain, check the manufacturer’s recommendations.

The draining process—You may choose to do this yourself or hire a plumbing professional. If doing it yourself always follow the manufacturer’s instructions. Basic guidelines are as follows: turn off the power, the water, and let the tank cool; connect a hose to the drain valve at the bottom of the tank and place the hose where it can be properly drained; turn on the hot water faucet to enable quicker drainage; turn on the drain spigot and let it run until the tank is empty; turn the water to the tank back on to flush it. You may need to add vinegar or a lime descale; once the water is clear, close the valve to allow the tank to fill; shut the hot water faucet off; when the tank is full, turn the water heater back on.

Test the pressure-relief valve—The pressure-relief valve releases unsafe amounts of pressure from water vapor. Scaling can block the valve from functioning; hence it is important to check it at least once per year. If it is working properly, you should see water on the ground below the valve’s discharge pipe. Test by placing a bucket below the pipe and opening the valve. You should see water coming through the valve, down the pipe, and into the bucket. If that doesn’t occur, you have a problem with the valve that needs to be addressed by a plumber.

It’s easy to take our major appliances such as our water heater for granted so it’s important to pay attention to any signs of malfunction and address promptly with a systematic draining and flushing.

As hot water is such a necessity, regular maintenance of your water heater is imperative if you want to keep it in good functional condition. Put it on your schedule this season so you are sure to keep it top of mind.

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Home Renovations that Offer the Best ROI for Resale


Home Renovations that Offer the Best ROI for Resale

Home Renovations that Offer the Best ROI for Resale

Are you looking to sell your home and concerned about its resale value? If you last updated, upgraded, or refurbished a while ago, your home could show signs of wear and tear that could negatively impact the sale when you try to appeal to buyers. Whether you have a large or limited budget, you can make the much-needed changes that can increase the value of your home and attract home buyers. Here is a list of top-rated home renovation ideas that offer the best ROI for resale.

Boosting Curb Appeal—It’s always best to begin with the exterior, as that will be noticed first. You may choose only to repaint and clean up the yard. To increase the value even more, you should consider larger renovations. Some examples are a new garage or front door, porch makeover, adding a deck, renewing siding, mailbox update, window replacements, adding stone veneer, and landscaping. Exterior upgrades can run approximately $100,000 depending on the grade of materials and home size.

Upgrade the Kitchen—This area is mostly used in the home, so buyers will scrutinize its working condition and appearance more. Hardware, surface areas, and appliances should be in tip-top shape. Peeling, chipping, wearing, and other symptoms of age are a sign it’s time to replace such items as plumbing fixtures, flooring, cabinet fronts, and countertops. Look for energy-efficient refrigerators, stoves, and other large appliances. By improving energy efficiency, you can increase your home’s market price by 3.5 to 9 % over homes that do not have energy-efficient upgrades. Most buyers and homeowners value this; ergo, your home will sell faster with these upgrades. In addition, if you have the room, installing a kitchen island with seating would drive more demand since many like to entertain now where they cook. The average cost for kitchen remodeling is between $15,000 and $40,000.

Finish Basement—Finishing your basement and converting it to a rec room, home office, or guest room is less costly than building a new addition. It also provides 80% ROI, especially if you make it a home office. More people are working from home and may be attracted to a space that would give them privacy from noise, pets, and family.

Install Smart Home Features—80% of home buyers prefer buying a home already equipped with smart technology. Consider installing security systems, smart thermostats, entertainment items, and smart kitchen appliances.

Install a Wood Deck—Adding a deck can provide 65% ROI if your home lacks outdoor property. Wood decks have a better return on investment than composite ones, but a drawback is that you will have to refinish them, which will cost more over time. The cost for a new deck averages around $35,000.

Open Up the Rooms—Knock down walls to connect living space and eliminate the feeling of being closed or crammed in.

Simple Interior Updates—As with the exterior, you may make minor changes if your budget necessitates this. You can purchase a new carpet, install new flooring and windows, or update bathroom or kitchen fixtures. Replace aging or faulty appliances that you need, such as an HVAC system, toilet, shower, or water heater. If you only want to repaint, choose a neutral color. Home photos look better against a beige or off-white, for instance. Also, it is easier for buyers to imagine what their furniture will look like in the home with a toned-down hue.

Like your interests, people seek homes that are well-functioning, maintained, and attractive. When you, as the seller, put yourself in the buyer’s position, you can best understand and appreciate the value you can create in making the suggested changes that can garner these results. Whether you choose to make a large or small investment in renovating your home for resale, any of the mentioned changes can help bolster your home’s value and bring you closer to selling your home.

Sunday, May 14, 2023

Low-Cost DIY Summer Projects


Low-Cost DIY Summer Projects

Low-Cost DIY Summer Projects

Now that spring is fully here, this is a perfect time to prepare for how you want your home’s exterior and property to look and function for the summer. It’s also fun to find new activities to pre-occupy your time as an excuse to be out on warm, sunny days. You could choose to do renovations or purchase new outdoor appliances and furniture if that is within your budget. However, there are many easy and less costly ways to enhance and beautify your yard and exterior without calling on a professional landscaper or contractor. At the same time, you can hang out and have fun. Before considering the kinds of projects you want to undertake, evaluate one or more of these four basic processes: longevity, productivity, activity, and tranquility. Ask yourself what you would like to accomplish. Are you looking to improve functionality, such as fixing and refurbishing, or are you looking to produce something that can keep renewing itself every year? Do you enjoy outdoor activities and entertaining, or do you prefer to chill in a calm and intimate environment? You may be interested in a little of all four. Here are some suggestions for summer projects that can assist you in your goals for accomplishing one or more of the processes.

Longevity projects: Think cleaning, decluttering, replacing, and refreshing. Clean and replace air filters, flush out gutter debris, repaint, caulk, replace hardware, organize your garage, pressure wash siding, and any other simple maintenance that will add to your home’s life span. It is best to start here since you will likely already have the products on hand, and all you need is elbow grease. Besides, you’ll want to get these out of the way before beginning the more enjoyable tasks.

Productivity projects: Plants bring food, color, aroma, and nature to our back door. You can grow flowers, herbs, fruits, and vegetables cheaply without an expansive garden. Need the room? Instead, build or use a planter box made from either cinder block, tin, cement, or wood. You can make a raised garden bed or use a weather-resistant box or wagon. Collect food scraps and grass clippings to make compost to help your garden thrive. You can build a garden shed to hold your tools if you are handy.

Activity projects: Summertime weather brings a desire for patio parties, barbeques, and other neighborly functions. You will want to create an environment conducive to beauty and fun in the sun or shade. Families on a shoestring budget can build or purchase inexpensive items for outdoor play and meals. Picnic tables, tree swings, a simple deck, a Crochet set, and Corn Hole can be bought at a local Walmart or home improvement store or made from repurposed items. Suppose you’re industrious and not limited by budget. In that case, other suggestions are installing an outdoor kitchen, screen-in the porch, refinishing your deck, hanging exterior shutters, or adding a sitting wall.

Tranquility projects: Don’t want much hubbub, just peace and quiet? Modifications that add peacefulness and harmony are hanging string lanterns, a trellis, hammock chairs, tiki torches, landscape lighting, and tree benches. Solitary types, seniors, and couples without children may enjoy a more ambient atmosphere.

Once you have decided how you want your property and home exterior to display and how, depending on your lifestyle, you want to use it for the summer months, make a list of what you need. Take stock of the supplies you already have and the ones you’ll need to purchase for the landscape you want to create. Consider how hot the summer months can get and start your DIY summer projects early enough while it is still cool. This way, you may enjoy your summer days and nights without boredom, regret, or worry.

Sunday, May 7, 2023

Spring Allergen Removal—Getting Air Ducts Clean


Spring Allergen Removal—Getting Air Ducts Clean

Spring Allergen Removal—Getting Air Ducts Clean

Have you experienced chronic ear, throat, or eye irritations, sneezing, coughing, dizziness, or headaches only while in your home and as soon as you use your HVAC system? It could be from poor air quality due to dirty air ducts. Even the American Lung Association recognizes indoor air quality as the catalyst for many allergy-related diseases. If you haven’t cleaned your ducts in 4 to 5 years, there will be an accumulation of contaminants such as dust, pollen, mold, bacteria, and other allergens recirculating by your HVAC system to the indoor air. Even new construction can pose a threat with its hazardous materials and drywall dust. Consequently, you breathe these particles in, leading to allergic and asthmatic symptoms. Indoor allergies are most prevalent during spring and summer when your HVAC starts moving air around, and any particles that have settled there through the winter will kick up and begin affecting your breathing.

Types of Allergens—Some leading contaminants that can settle in your air ducts and later in your lungs are dust mites, mold, pet dander, pollen, smog, and volatile organic compounds. The EPA says these particles much more contaminate indoor air than outside. Dust mites are organisms that produce waste that gets circulated in your air ducts along with pollen after it is brought in through our clothes and shoes. Mold, caused by moisture, releases airborne spores, and pet dander or dead skin flecks from domestic pets can also cause allergic reactions and illness. Smog from C02 emissions and damaging gases from organic compounds can also become part of our home’s indoor environment, thereby detrimental to our respiratory health.

The process and benefits of duct cleaning— Air duct cleaning is important and recommended by allergists to help you breathe healthier, fresher air by improving air quality and reducing allergy symptoms. If you’ve never had your ducts cleaned, don’t have the time, or lack the skills needed to clean them yourself, it’s always best to hire a professional who will possess the appropriate tools and expertise. With a rotary brush or air whip, a professional can clean and sanitize your ducts by flushing or pulling out dust and debris with a vacuum device that uses compressed air. The price will depend on the size and location of your home and the company you choose, so shop around without squelching on quality service. Duct cleaning takes about two hours for the average home and should be done twice yearly. If you’d rather do some of the work yourself, there are simpler tasks, such as changing the HVAC filter or wiping down the surface of the unit. If vacuuming, use a HEPA filter.

In addition to improving air quality, duct cleaning removes odors, reduces surface dust, and improves HVAC efficiency. Smells from pets, rodent droppings, mold, and mildew are removed, and dust from mites and pollen that settle on bed linen and carpets is reduced. Airflow is improved when ducts are unclogged of debris, thus leading to lower energy costs and extending the system’s life.

You should never compromise your indoor air quality by letting spring allergens run amok. You can keep yourself healthy and your HVAC system in good working order by following a regular maintenance plan for cleaning your air ducts. Although the procedure to sanitize and disinfect could be costly, it’s money well-spent as opposed to racking up enormous energy and medical bills. When you invest in cleaning your air ducts, you invest in your health and happy home, so make it a priority for this season.

Sunday, April 30, 2023

Best Flowers to Plant for Spring


Best Flowers to Plant for Spring

Best Flowers to Plant for Spring

Springtime is here, and it is the time to get out and celebrate nature. One of the best ways to enjoy the season is to bring color and aroma to your yard or garden by planting varieties of early and late-blooming plants. In addition, you promote biodiversity on your property by attracting pollinators like bees and butterflies. We’ll show you a mix of the best early to late spring flowers and guidelines about when to plant and how to care for them. First, we’ll begin by explaining the difference between perennials and annuals.

Perennials and annuals- It’s important to know how these two planting groups differ so that you can plan and coordinate a combination of blooms for the most favorable display. Perennial flowers regrow every spring, while annuals live for only one growing season. If you are looking for fast growth and a quick splash of color, annuals are a good choice if you are okay with replanting them yearly. They fill in the gaps and add curb appeal. Perennials are usually more expensive, but they are a worthwhile investment because they are long-term and tend to grow slowly. You will have the best of both worlds by planting annuals and perennials due to longer and more intermittent bloom periods and varying hues.

Types of perennials and annuals- If you are looking for flowers that live for more than two years, some suggestions to consider are the peony, daylily, hosta, iris, lavender, black-eyed susan, aster, tulip, daffodil, hyacinth, crocus, lily of the valley, and lilac. Those that are heartier and don’t mind the cold will come up in early spring, such as the crocus, iris, tulip, daffodil, lily of the valley, and hyacinth. They have bulbs that need to be planted in the fall and can be split to produce more. Others can be grown from seeds, such as Shasta daisies, black-eyed Susans, yarrow, and purple coneflowers. If you prefer starting with larger plants, you can choose shrubs like azalea and forsythia or trees like magnolia, apricot, or dogwood.

While your perennials provide a basic long-term structure, annuals fill the spaces in between with bright colors and conveniently rapid growth. Although short-lived, many are popular for their availability in multiple colors and can come in various sizes. Examples of flowers that only grow one season are pansies, zinnias, sunflowers, marigolds, and petunias.

Timetable and care- Flowers best for early spring planting can handle the cooler air, such as sweet peas, pansies, petunias, and snapdragons. Once the summer heat arrives, though, they will fade. Therefore, you should plant other species in between that will bloom throughout the spring and summer, like gladiolas, roses, sunflowers, and summer lilies. When planting seeds or transplanting potted plants, follow directions for proper placement as per their sun exposure requirements. Among many that require full sun and are drought intolerant, zinnias, marigolds, peonies, hibiscus, and sunflowers are some examples. Some that thrive in the shade or indirect sunlight are begonias, fuchsia, impatiens, primrose, and lily of the valley.

Once you know the varieties of early and late spring blooms in either the annual or perennial family, you can start planning ahead for the season to sow. For the best results, follow product packaging directions or consult a professional gardener or botanist. Also, remember where to place your plants for the healthiest and most robust results, with attention to proper sun exposure, watering frequency, and soil use. With practice, you will learn to cultivate a diverse garden that you can beautifully maintain and enjoy throughout the season.

Sunday, April 23, 2023

What’s New in Interior Design and Furniture


What’s New in Interior Design and Furniture

What’s New in Interior Design and Furniture

Are you looking for new ways to design your home’s interior, such as updating furniture? It’s fun to refresh your home with the latest design trends. Whether you are looking for a new color palette, a change in fabrics, or a whole new décor, here are some of the latest ideas and guidelines suggested by experts for 2023.

Softness and comfort—Rows, straight lines, and a cold, stark look in color, fabric, and design have taken a back seat to soft, round, curved, and natural shapes. In addition, shades of white, cream, brown, beige, and green are preferred colors because they remind homeowners of tranquility and simplicity. Soft cushions, armchairs, sofas with curved architecture, and arched doorways invite lived-in comfort for much relaxing and socializing at home. During post-pandemic times, rooms have become multi-purpose spaces for escape and leisure.

Environmentally friendly furnishings—Interior articles made with natural materials are in more demand as homeowners focus on the importance of sustainability and durability. Products made from wood, wool, stone, ceramics, marble, rattan, wicker, or recyclable resources have become favored because they connect to nature, health, and well-being while bringing a sense of brightness and luxury.

Nostalgia—Trends and styles of past decades are regaining popularity. The retro style of the 1970s, vibrant colors, bronze finishes, acrylic material, and floral designs is one example, and a return to art deco of the 1920s is another favorite. Mid-century vintage pieces have also seen a resurgence in which many are purchasing antiques at affordable prices and restoring them. With the rising cost of living, consumers are shopping cheaper but seeking better quality and more unique items. At the same time, there is an interest in fusing old styles with new such as the mingling of vintage and contemporary schemes throughout a room or home.

Silver versus gold—Silver, chrome, and steel furniture pieces are becoming favored over interior components with a yellowish gold, rose, and brass finish.

Experimentation with paint, patterns, and textures—Many want to make a statement with bold, primary colors and decorative detail. It is evident with increased interest in curved moldings, wall panels, decorative lighting, and accented upholstery with woven detail. Large-scale furniture pieces with mixed-color pairings are another approach to creating a vibrant environment. There is also a tendency to make an individual statement by painting one’s furniture to give it a customized look or go for an eclectic theme by mixing and matching items such as sofas, tables, and lamps. Other ideas are painted ceilings and wallpaper borders for windows and doors.

Functionality—As we seek more comfort and mobility in smaller dwellings, we find ways to utilize space practically. Many are creating new rooms or activity areas from unused space, such as converting a large closet or breakfast nook into a small office. Multifunctional furniture is sought for its practicality. Beds with side drawers to store clothing and blankets are a great alternative to a bulky dresser. A coat stand or hooks frees up the hall closet. Linen cabinets, height-adjustable washbasins, and walk-in showers make the bathroom a clutter-free and relaxing room to retreat in.

You have your pick of designer ideas for 2023, whether you prefer to go bold or want a more natural setting with a subtle style. Although you may be working with a limited budget or space, these useful tips will allow you to be creative and experimental without sacrificing comfort and practicality.

Sunday, April 16, 2023

Spring Spruce Up for your Home's Exterior

 Spring Spruce Up for your Home's Exterior

Spring Spruce Up for your Home's Exterior

Now that spring has sprung, you can kick the winter blues by getting outside to refresh and renew your home’s exterior. Whether it’s your siding, deck, garage, lawn, or other outer areas, plenty will keep you busy. It can be overwhelming, but tackling each section of your home and property in manageable increments can get much done without stress and strain. It’s best to handle one area of your property at a time, starting with the most basic structures, such as your roof and shingles, to extensions of the house and then surrounding yard features. This helpful outdoor cleaning list of chores will help you organize yourself to make spring cleaning the outside of your home less of a hassle while you also enjoy the sunshine and fresh air.

The actual structure—It’s the easiest and most logical to start here because you will instantly improve your home’s immediate appearance. Attachments, such as windows, gutters, siding, roof, and front and garage doors, are the first that are noticed. Cleaning these first will give you a sense of accomplishment and motivate you on a different day to spruce up other parts of the house and yard. You should inspect all these areas for damage, and if repair is not needed, consider power washing the entire exterior to remove moss, algae, mold, and dirt stains. Use a commercial window cleaner or diluted vinegar to spray and wipe down grime from windows; ones on a higher floor can be power washed. Remove leaf debris from downspouts and flush out gutters.

Deck and patio—Turn desolate and neglected spots into fun, outdoor activity areas with a few repairs and some well-needed maintenance. Start by sweeping and brushing to remove superficial dirt and cobwebs from railings, ceilings, walls, and floors. Remove any bird, rodent, or insect nests from fixtures. Next, grills, furniture, and accessories such as rugs, cushions, drapery, and umbrellas must be scrubbed or laundered to remove grease, grime, and stains. Lighting fixtures may need to be replaced, and wood flooring should be inspected for decay and replaced or re-stained. Check concrete and asphalt on sidewalks, walls, and your driveway for chips and cracks that need repair.

The lawn and garden—Cleanliness is equally important in your yard. Begin by raking and weeding to gather up litter and dead vegetation. The next phase should be to aerate the ground by digging up compacted soil and fertilizing it for new growth. If you have a sprinkler system, check its pipes and valves and test for proper function. Also, inspect hoses for tears and leaks. Plant flowers and shrubs appropriate for the season and follow directions for proper placement and watering. Prune overgrown trees and shrubs. Recycle clippings to use as compost or refresh mulch.

The accumulation of winter grit and grime can take a toll on your home’s exterior. No matter how old, the size, or the condition of your house and property, exterior cleaning is necessary to improve its appearance and give it a clean, fresh look so that you and your guests can enjoy your time outdoors as it gets warmer. As you clean, it’s important to pace yourself by organizing your chores with the help of a handy to-do cleaning list to keep you on track for getting your home’s exterior spruced up for spring.

Sunday, April 9, 2023

Rain, Rain Go Away - The Importance of Proper Water Drainage

 Rain, Rain Go Away - The Importance of Proper Water Drainage

Rain, Rain Go Away - The Importance of Proper Water Drainage

Water is essential to life but can wreak havoc when it enters your home. It can cause problems such as basement leaks, mold, mildew, pests, wood rot, and other foundational damage. The following are signs of water damage and tips to divert water from your home.

Signs of water damage—Your home’s foundation may be in danger of collapse or show signs that a lack of proper drainage is compromising it. Here are some signs you need to install or replace existing drainage systems. If you find cracks in the walls or concrete, puddles on the lawn that don’t evaporate, doors that stick or don’t close properly, uneven floors, or bowed walls, the following are some guidelines to redirect water from leaking into your home.

Clean Gutters—Remove blockages such as twigs, leaves, and other debris that can cause a clog. Check that the downspout is not also blocked by flushing the gutter. Clear your gutters twice yearly in the early summer and late fall to avoid costly replacement or repair.

Collect, Absorb, and Remove the Water—You have many options, such as creating a rain garden, positioning a rain barrel near the downspout, or installing a French drain or sump pump. A rain garden comprised of plant matter and mulch can provide layers of protection. It should be at least ten feet from your house, and the yard should slope towards it. Direct your downspout into a rain barrel, and you can reuse the water for your lawn or garden. You can get a rainwater diverter to keep pests and debris out of the barrel. Installing a French drain or a sump pump requires more intensive labor but can collect and remove water below the foundation’s surface and move it away.

Property Adjustments—You can have drainage issues due to grading problems and driveway pavement cracks that meet your home’s foundation. You can prevent water from seeping into your home’s structure from the pavement by sealing cracks in the driveway with landscape foam. Poor grading due to faulty design or soil displacement can be fixed by re-grading your yard to direct rainwater to slope down from your home.

Drainage issues can happen when we least expect them due to the age of our home or from a severe rainstorm. Properties are usually designed to handle volumes of rain because the water will naturally flow to sewers, rivers, or lakes. However, if the water cannot do this, you could have a drainage problem. Protect your property by considering these helpful tips. If you need help with a drainage problem or how to handle one, contact your local water drainage technician, who will identify drainage problems and probable causes, then work with you to find solutions.

Sunday, April 2, 2023

High-Efficiency Water Heaters—What You Need to Know


High-Efficiency Water Heaters—What You Need to Know

High-Efficiency Water Heaters—What You Need to Know

Before investing in a high-efficiency water heater, it’s important to understand the differences between high-efficiency and standard water heaters. Both are similar in using oxygen from the atmosphere in a combustion process to heat water. However, High-Efficiency Heaters are designed to maximize the heating process more effectively through a sealed combustion process. They provide hot water for less because they save on heating water, which accounts for approximately 15 percent of a home’s energy use. The water can heat faster because ignition happens in a sealed compartment as opposed to open ignition with a standard tank. The sealed chamber lets the water heat from the center out, unlike the standard heater in which a flame beneath the metal tank heats the water from the bottom up.

With a 90 percent or higher thermal efficiency, High-Efficiency water heaters are seemingly the better choice to heat your home. Although these heaters use 10-50 percent less energy, saving homeowners on their utility bills, the expense can be a big factor in your budget. However, there are some caveats that you should be aware of. Consider the following benefits and disadvantages when purchasing an efficient system.

Advantages– High-Efficiency water heaters cost less to heat, as mentioned, because they can extract a high energy level in less time with less exhaust waste. In the meantime, it is better for the environment because it reduces the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning, as fumes from exhaust get vented out through a designated pipe rather than a chimney. Also, since the fuel is ignited inside a chamber, there is less fire risk, and no compliance is required for a fire-resistant door and other features.

Disadvantage– Although High-Efficiency water heaters are safer and more energy efficient, these water heaters require more expensive equipment and accurate installation and have higher maintenance costs. Due to the technical sophistication of components, set-up and calibration can be challenging and costly. The intake and exhaust vents that control the air coming in and exhaust going out must be balanced correctly so that the exchange of air can flow properly, enabling the system to work as it should. When service is needed, a trained technician must diagnose and fix problems.

When deciding to purchase and install a High-Efficiency Water Heater, it would help to consider your home or building needs and characteristics, such as space, usage, age, and budget. Once you forecast and compare your energy savings with the cost of equipment, installment, and maintenance, you should know whether purchasing a High-Efficiency water heater instead of a standard water heater is the better investment.

Sunday, March 26, 2023

Spring Cleaning Trends


Spring Cleaning Trends

Spring Cleaning Trends

Spring is a time for rebirth and rejuvenation. It’s time to eliminate any accumulation of dust, stale air, grime, or clutter that can breed bacteria and other contaminants. You can easily freshen up with simple tricks while using a system for pacing yourself to avoid becoming overwhelmed. Here are some tips for tidying up and deep cleaning your home as springtime approaches.

When you don’t know where to start, think of spring cleaning as a series of phases. The first phase should be to downsize or declutter, the next to surface clean, and finally, to deep clean. Within those phases, you should begin by creating a checklist. Start by going from room to room to see which areas need the most decluttering and last cleaned a while ago. Then start with the following:

Organize storage spaces—Sort what you will keep, discard, and donate into three piles. Categorize the items you will keep into bins, label them, and place them on shelves along the wall to maximize floor space. Reuse old plates and bowls to store small items such as buttons, cords, and stamps. Add a non-slip liner to drawers and cabinets to keep everything in place. Rotate old items to the front and remove packaging. Toss used and expired items from the kitchen and bathroom.

Clean higher areas first—Areas like ceilings, ceiling fans, light fixtures, and upper walls need to be vacuumed, polished, or dusted first because of the loose dirt and grime that will end up on the floor. Use a Swiffer or extendable duster and clean before you do the floors to avoid cleaning the bottom half a second time.

Surface clean—Before you begin scrubbing, it’s important to remove superficial dirt and dust from areas exposed to the elements, such as windows and patio furniture. Brush off or vacuum before you spray with a disinfectant or all-purpose cleaner. For windows, use a soft microfiber cloth to prevent streaking. Clean your windows and blinds on a cloudy day to avoid the sun drying up the cleaner quicker than you can wipe it down. Slower drying will prevent streaks. Vacuum soft furniture crevices with the upholstery attachment of your vacuum cleaner. Remove the fuzz from your dryer’s lint catcher each time you dry a load of clothing, and have a serviceman periodically clean your exhaust hose to protect against fire hazards.

Deep clean—Large appliances, rugs, cabinetry, and other furnishings are typical areas to target for spring cleaning because they are usually not on your daily or weekly radar for cleaning. Before you begin, consider one room and appliance at a time, then any small parts. Appliances such as your refrigerator, dishwasher, microwave, and stove tend to accumulate stubborn food remnants, crumbs, stains, and other debris. Although you may use a harsh chemical cleaner for heavier grime, like on your stove, it is cheaper and healthier to use mild household items to clean, such as dish detergent, vinegar, baking soda, and lemon in paste form or diluted in warm water. For instance, you can use lemon rinds and cold water to flush out your garbage disposal for 15-30 seconds. You can steam clean your microwave with a bowl of hot water and vinegar or lemon. Once it cools, wipe it down. Disinfect your dishwasher by running the rinse cycle with vinegar and baking soda. Remove hard water buildup on shower heads by immersing it in a bag of hot water and vinegar, then scrub clean. Don’t want to move your heavy stove again to clean behind it? Use a stove gap cover to keep crumbs out of hard-to-reach places.

Laundering—Save yourself time and labor when it comes to intensive cleaning for such articles as your window and shower curtains, drapes, area rugs, comforters, pillows, and reusable grocery bags. Your washer will allow quicker and easier sanitization and elimination of dust mites and other airborne pathogens. Check the manufacturer’s cleaning instructions before you machine wash.

Clean areas that can cause odors—Your sinks, toilet, and trash cans are bacterial havens that emit rancid smells after being overlooked. Remove musty odors from carpets by using baking soda or carpet deodorizer. Use one of the mentioned mild household cleaners or all-purpose disinfectants and mix with warm water to allow to sit until sanitized before rinsing. Investing in a carpet cleaning appliance with a rotating brush may be wise.

Lighter cleaning treatment—Use a special polish and carefully follow directions for cleaning silverware and granite countertops. Season cast-iron pans as needed and wipe down small appliances, such as knife blocks which can get splattered during cooking. Make sure that paint surfaces and wallpaper are washable before you clean or consider using stain-resistant paints.

Spring is a welcoming season for many of us, but the cleaning required after winter’s dormancy can be taxing and time-consuming. You can save unnecessary toil by practicing these time-saving tricks and pacing yourself through the cleaning phases with manageable checklists.