Sunday, February 19, 2023

The Importance of Attic and Crawlspace Ventilation


The Importance of Attic and Crawlspace Ventilation

The Importance of Attic and Crawlspace Ventilation

Ventilation provides air circulation crucial to protecting your roof and other structural areas of your home. The attic and crawlspace are two of the most important areas for air to flow freely from the ground to the roof. However, these areas can get easily overlooked because we rarely check the attic or crawlspace for any problems. With the proper installment of vents in your attic and crawlspace, you can guard against the buildup of excessive moisture that can lead to damaging mold growth, unhealthy air, and other hazards. The following are specific reasons why attic and crawlspace ventilation are vital.

Protect against water damage—Vents in the attic and crawlspace are important to protect against the damage that water accumulation can bring to your roof, flooring, drywall, and insulation. Crawlspace ventilation is key to preventing moisture buildup from the soil, while intake and exhaust ducts in the attic ensure the roof will be safeguarded against the ravages of concentrated pockets of hot and cold temperatures. For instance, rooftop snow and ice become more manageable. With proper circulation, there is even melting, so there won’t be an excess of water run-off to damage your gutters, downspouts, and shingles if the water refreezes. This occurrence, called ice damming, can be prevented with proper air circulation.

Energy efficiency—Vents prevent the air from stagnating and pooling in one area. When air is enabled to flow freely, there is no burden on your heating and cooling system to work hard to control the indoor climate. Ventilation can help you cut costs in wasted energy, so you’re not paying more than you need to heat and cool your home.
Allergy and dust elimination—With vents installed to facilitate the efficient entrance and exit of airflow, dust, airborne pathogens, and other impurities are filtered out to ensure clearer and healthier indoor air.

Control infestations—When the accumulation of moisture is kept at a minimum, so too will mold, mildew, rodents, and insects that can warp and eat away at flooring, walls, and insulation.

Oxygen for gas—Gas appliances such as water heaters and furnaces need a proper flow of air to avoid the ignition of embers from a dry environment. Combustible materials such as cardboard boxes and clothing can be a fire hazard if embers are allowed to settle on them. Special ventilators, such as Turbine vents, are resistant to the entry of embers. A mesh screen can also be used to further prevent embers from entering. It also helps to cut down on the amount of storage you amass.
You can protect your home’s foundation, improve air quality, and ensure safety from hazards by checking for the absence of air ducts wherever you have square footage. To install vents, or if your existing vents need cleaning, repair, or replacement, hire a ventilation specialist to conduct an assessment. After inspection, they can advise you on the appropriate procedure.

Sunday, February 12, 2023

Potential Plumbing Problems


Potential Plumbing Problems

Potential Plumbing Problems

It’s important to know how to tell when you have a plumbing problem so that you can address small issues before they become bigger ones. When pipes are left unchecked over time, some common occurrences are exuberant water bills, permanent water damage, the spread of harmful mold, and bursting pipes and sewer lines. The following are some things to look for to tell if you have a plumbing issue that needs attention.

Your faucet is making strange noises—A loud sound like a screech when you use the tap is a sign there is air in your pipes that signifies something is not right with your bleed-off system. This system allows fresh water to enter while reducing the buildup of mineral concentrations.

Unpleasant smell in the drain—If you only detect a rotten smell in the kitchen sink drain, this could be due to lodged decaying food fragments. However, if the odor comes from all your drains, your drain vent may be clogged, allowing sewer gas to back up into your pipes. Consult with a professional plumber to pinpoint the problem.

Low water pressure—Several issues could be causing this, such as a leak, a clog in multiple places, or inadequately-sized pipes that provide poor water pressure.
Slow drainage—Clogs are common occurrences that can be fixed with a drain-clearing liquid or tool. However, if this process does not yield results after multiple attempts, contact a professional to investigate.

Discoloration in the water and pipes—Your pipes could be corroded if your water is yellow, green, or brown. White, green, and red hues indicate corrosion, rust, or a slow leak. Lines should be inspected twice yearly for discoloration, a sign of wear and tear.

Be sure to stay alert to signs of problems with your plumbing. You can avoid further or more extensive damage by paying attention to the signs early and calling a professional before the issues get worse or cause consequential damage.

Sunday, February 5, 2023

Is an ARM for you?


Is an ARM for you?

Is an ARM for you?

Before you move into the home of your dreams, you’ll need to decide what type of mortgage will work best for your financial needs. One type is an adjustable-rate mortgage, also called an ARM. What is an ARM? We’ll explore this kind of loan so that you can decide if it’s right for you. An adjustable-rate mortgage or ARM is a home loan with an interest rate that adjusts over time. These rates are governed by benchmarks such as the U.S. Treasury and are influenced by economic conditions and your credit score. These are unlike a fixed-rate mortgage which keeps the same interest rate and payment for the life of the loan.

If your goal is to get the lowest mortgage rate on a starter home, an ARM is a good introductory option because it usually starts low. Although it is generally lower than a fixed-rate mortgage, a caveat is that the initial interest rate, after the fixed period ends, can fluctuate over time, causing unpredictability of what you will owe on your payments each month. You will have to be prepared financially if the rate goes up. However, it can also go down.

Advantages—An ARM allows you to pay more for the principal during a fixed period. If you anticipate being in your home for no more than five years, an ARM may be your best option. Also, if you’re planning to upgrade to a larger home, the plan will enable you to sell your original house before the interest rate begins to adjust. If you can’t sell your home before the rate changes, you may want to consider refinancing into a fixed-rate or a new adjustable-rate mortgage. There are also rate caps which will allow you more management with each recent rate change because they are limited to how much they can rise.

Disadvantages: The downside is that your interest rate will likely increase after the fixed rate period ends, causing your payments to go up. This increase can cause a feeling of instability and may discourage some homeowners from taking out this kind of loan. In addition, it could be difficult to project how you stand financially when the rates start fluctuating.

Types of adjustable-rate mortgages—The Hybrid ARM starts with a fixed interest rate for 5, 7, or 10 years, then the rate adjusts up or down on a pre-set schedule of your choosing, either once per year or every six months. For instance, if you choose a 5/1 ARM, your rates will begin to adjust yearly after the five years have lapsed. For a 7/6 ARM, your rates will start to adjust every six months after the seven years have lapsed. The most popular is the 5/6 ARM plan.

The Interest-only ARM allows borrowers to pay only the interest for a set period. Once that period ends, the principal and interest are expected to be paid.
The payment-option ARM gives borrowers the most freedom by permitting them to select their own payment structure and schedule equal to or greater than the minimum payment. It can be for a 15, 30, or 40-year term. The downside is that your costs may increase because you need to pay more to cover the interest.
Qualifications—As with all mortgages, ARM loans have several requirements. You have to prove your income with documentation. Your income level and credit score will determine how large of a mortgage payment you qualify for.

When deciding on a mortgage plan, it’s always advisable to examine your long-term home ownership goals. You could be ready to buy your dream home that you want to live in long-term or start to test the waters and enjoy a temporary situation until you are secure enough to upgrade. If you are considering the latter, then an adjustable-rate mortgage is your best plan. Already have an ARM plan and are looking for a change? First, explore rates to see if it’s a good time to refinance to a fixed-rate mortgage. If rates are higher than your current ARM, it’s not the right time to switch.