Friday, October 29, 2021

Could Your Mailbox Use a Facelift?


Could Your Mailbox Use a Facelift?

Could Your Mailbox Use a Facelift?

Your mailbox likely isn’t a feature of your home that you think about very often, but it can actually have a big impact on how people view your home. This is especially true if your mailbox is rusty, damaged, or otherwise has obviously seen better days. Giving your mailbox a facelift can make a big difference in how your home looks, even if your mailbox is a standalone unit that sits up by the road.

How much work should you put into a mailbox refresh, though? This depends entirely on the condition your mailbox is in and what sort of revamp you’d like to give it. If you’re looking for inspiration, here are some ideas that cover everything from basic retouches to your mailbox to entire rebuilds of your mailbox mounting to create a unique new look on your property. You might be surprised at how many ways there are to revamp your mailbox and completely change its look!

Retouching Your Mailbox

The simplest way to retouch your mailbox is to apply a coat of paint to it, or something simple like a magnetic mailbox cover. This covers and seals any rust that might be present, improving the look of the mailbox and preventing further damage by protecting it from the elements. Wash and dry the mailbox beforehand and use a wire brush or steel wool to remove any obvious rust, then wash it again just to be sure. Make sure that you cover the numbers and flag with painter’s tape before you start, or apply new numbers once you’re finished so that your house number is easy to read.

If your mailbox is in decent shape but just seems kind of dull, another option is to add decorations such as decals or other items that you can secure to the box. You can even swap out these decorations throughout the year, keeping them relevant to upcoming holidays or seasons so that the look of your mailbox stays fresh throughout the year. Just make sure that your decorations don’t obscure your house number of make it difficult for postal workers to deliver your mail.

Mailbox Revitalization Projects

Bigger mailbox renovation projects can include installing your mailbox on a custom wrought-iron post, a wooden mail station that the mailbox sits on, or inside something like a brick enclosure. These can be purely decorative or add functional elements such as a drop box for packages as well. Depending on the options you choose, you may even be able to match up the look of your mailbox area with the look of your home or other property features as well. Just keep in mind that depending on where your mailbox is located, there may be limitations on what you can install based on local ordinance.

When undertaking a project like this, you may also decide that you want to move your mailbox to a new location (such as removing it from the front of your home and installing it into an enclosure by your driveway.) This can be a great idea to improve the look of your property, but you’ll need to check with your local Post Office first. Moving a mailbox without getting it cleared by the Post Office can lead to a variety of problems, including fines and undelivered mail!

Need Some Help?

Depending on what you have in mind for your mailbox, it could be a simple DIY project, or it might be something of a larger scale. If you want something a bit bigger than what you can handle on your own, don’t worry. There are metalworking and woodworking shops that can give you what you want, and even bricklayers if you want some brickwork done. If you aren’t sure where to start, HomeKeepr can help.

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